Montezuma Well National Monument

Montezuma Well is an unusual freak of nature formed long ago by the collapse of a limestone cavern. Over one million gallons of water a day flows continuously into the Well. This constant supply of warm, fresh water provides an aquatic habitat like no other in the world, and has served as an oasis for wildlife and humans for thousands of years.

Cliff dwellings of the ancient
Sinaguan culture are embedded into the cliffs above the Well, a testament to the ingenuity of these people.

Take your time as you explore the trails at Montezuma Well and discover the tranquility of a site still considered sacred by many local tribes. The shaded forest along the trail near the swallet ruin and the outlet provides welcome relief from the unrelenting Arizona sunshine. The temperature difference at the outlet can be up to 20 degrees cooler than along the rim of the Well, making it easy to imagine the people of the Sinagua culture spending the hot summer days in this tranquil setting.