Boynton Canyon Vortex
From the junction of Highway 179 and 89A, drive 3.2 miles west on 89A and turn right on Dry Creek Rd. Follow the signs for Boynton Canyon (this takes you along Dry Creek Road 2.9 miles to a “T” intersection where you turn left, then another 1.7 miles to another “T” where you turn right, then 0.1 mile to a parking area on the right). If you end up at the entrance to Enchantment Resort, turn around and go back 0.3 mile to the parking area. From the parking area, enter Boynton Canyon Trail. Go 250 yards, then take the left fork to stay on Boynton Canyon Trail. Go another 400 yards to the “Vista Trail” sign. Take the right fork and follow the Vista Trail up the hill. Follow the cairns (red rock trail markers in wire barrels) along this trail, and soon you arrive at a 30 foot high knoll. The energy is strongest around this knoll. Notice the very twisted Juniper trees all around this trail.