About Tlaquepaque Village
Tlaquepaque is the most distinctive shopping experience to be found in the Southwest. Authentically fashioned after a traditional Mexican village, Tlaquepaque, meaning the “best of everything,” has been a Sedona landmark since the 1970’s. Its vine covered stucco walls, cobble-stoned walkways and magnificent arched entryways give you the feeling that Tlaquepaque has been here for centuries. Tasteful galleries and unique shops live in harmony with its lush natural environment where giant sycamore trees stand in testimony to the care taken in preserving the timeless beauty of the Tlaquepaque grounds. It would be hard to find more beautiful surroundings anywhere to create a shopping experience like no other.
In 2017 Tlaquepaque North was opened with three new buildings and a major renovation of a former cobblestone home, all are beautifully congruent architecturally, seamlessly mirroring the main arts village on the south side of State Route 179.
Check out the businesses in Tlaquepaque Village listed in this section.